Why am I not losing weight in spite of working out and dieting?

Q. Why am I not losing weight in spite of working out and dieting?

A. First of all when we say “weight loss” we desire fat loss we do not
want to lose muscle as that will drop our metabolism and lead to
increased fat gain. Fat loss depends on many factors such as your
bio-individuality, lifestyle, diet, health condition etc.

Our body is a lot more complex than simply burning calories. In addition to
that, excessive exercise combined with stress from other factors can cause
a serious bodily damage. Increased Cortisol (stress hormone) level might
even make you gain weight. So, in order for you to lose weight and bring
your body back in balance, some crucial systematic changes have to be
We need to work on restoring the Gut microbiome, Hormone balance,
Eating right, physical activity and correct balance

Don’t let anybody tell you it’s because of your genes and you cannot do
anything about it. Genetics play a role in our overall health, but it’s only a
weak link in the chain we call “body”. The chain that doesn’t necessarily
need to be broken, but it surely will if you pull it hard enough. Genetics get
triggered only with lifestyle choices.

I can help you locate the root cause of the weight gain and reverse the
symptoms as well as guide you how to sustain the weight loss you achieve.
In addition to that you will. experience many other health benefits that will
change your life forever.

Q2. What hidden factors usually weigh a person down?
A2.i) Lack of Sleep: When a person does not get enough of good quality
deep sleep then neither of the repairs in the body happen well. When you’re
not getting enough sleep, your hunger signals are thrown off and you crave high-fat and/or
high-sugar foods, leading to weight gain.

ii) Stress: Stress puts a huge burden on your body. When you’re producing the stress
hormone cortisol, it’s very difficult to lose weight, and you often develop stubborn fat around
the middle of your body. Serotonin wipes out cortisol and is produced when the nervous
system’s physical relaxation response is engaged. Hot baths, laughter, great sex, and
(although seemingly counterintuitive) exquisite food, enjoyed slowly, are all great places to
iii) NEGATIVE WORKPLACE. A disrespectful boss and/or gossiping coworkers engage the
body’s stress response and make you feel useless, stupid, judged, or all three. It’s likely you
spend forty hours or more in your workspace each week, so do everything you can to make it

a positive environment or consider changing jobs if it becomes clear that it’s not possible to
improve your current situation.

iv) 4. TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. Physical, emotional, and/or verbal abuse greatly contribute
to the stress response. Honor your intrinsic worth and choose your relationships accordingly.
v) ISOLATION. Do you tend to isolate yourself and have trouble reaching out to others? It’s
great to spend time alone, but if you’re feeling stressed, it’s really helpful to connect with
others and feel like you’re in a community. Next time you’re feeling weighed down, call or
meet up with a friend or family member, even if only for a short period of time.
vi) OVER-PACKED SCHEDULE. When you over-schedule yourself, you don’t have time to
fully feel into each experience – you merely skim the surface. Remove extraneous events
from your calendar and move away from wearing stress as a badge of honor. Choose your
commitments wisely – whether it’s a business engagement or a friend’s birthday party – and
bring your whole glorious, calm self.
vii) DISTANCE FROM FAMILY. Do you live far away from your family and feel
disconnected from them? Make it a point to take trips to see them, schedule regular
Skype/FaceTime dates, or consider moving closer to them. We often take family for granted
when we should honor and celebrate them – they’re often our biggest supporters and fans.
Viii) LACK OF VACATION TIME. All work and no play doesn’t feed your soul. Many
ambitious people have trouble taking vacation time, but the truth is that time off brings on the
best inspiration. Value your down time as much as your work and you’ll see how they
balance each other nicely – no need to teeter between the two!
ix) ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS. People trying to lose weight often disregard
environmental toxins and pollution. To protect yourself, get as much fresh air as possible and
build up your immune system by eating organic food and minimizing toxic skin and hair
products. Spend as much time as possible in nature
x) EXTERNAL FACTORS OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. A lot of people allow themselves
to get stressed when they hit traffic or their train breaks down. Fully acknowledge that these
types of events are out of your hands and that your job is to breathe, accept, and show
compassion toward yourself and others

Q3 What is the difference between Functional Medicine and Conventional Medicine?

A3 Functional medicine tells you why something is happening, offering the
pathway to the root cause of the condition. In Functional medicine we don’t
treat symptoms, but the system that caused those symptoms. By
addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, we become oriented to
identifying the complexity of disease. We may find one condition has many
different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different
conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific
manifestations of disease in each individual. It is an Holistic health oriented
preventative approach.
Conventional medicine tells you what has happened with you based on the
diagnosis of the symptoms and gives you advise to address the
It is similar to deciding whether prevention is better or cure.

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